Anxiety Relief Meditation with the Goddesses

anxiety meditation

Anxiety relief meditation to release stress with the Goddesses.

Join Syma to release your fears and worries as you surrender and invite Divine Feminine support to reclaim your peace and power.

Syma introduces you to the four Goddesses who will help you release anxiety and stress in this guided meditation. These Goddesses are:

  • Buddhist Goddess Tara who will clear your crown chakra and third eye chakra of fear.
  • Buddhist Goddess Quan Yin will clear your heart chakra of anxious emotions and restore peace and calm.
  • Celtic Goddess Brigid will clear your solar plexus chakra and help you reclaim your divine power.
  • Goddess Pachamama, Gaia, and Mother Earth will ground your root chakra to help you feel safe, secure and supported.

Syma also shares how this anxiety meditation will help you experience inner peace and increased faith, trust, and empowerment.

Let me know in the comments how this served you, and please share with anyone it may serve!

Download the Meditation

Be sure to click on the “down” arrow on link page to download the mp3!

Heal Your Heart with our online Kuan Yin Circle

Kuan Yin Goddess circle

Are you ready to heal your heart of its deepest wounds? Are you willing to release blocks to the divine love, support and joy you deserve? Join me and fellow sisters in our online Goddess Kuan Yin Circle to open to miraculous healings and manifestations that flow gracefully and ceaselessly when your heart flourishes open.

Join Our Virtual Sisterhood – Monthly Goddess Circles


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Join our Monthly Goddess Circles for more in-depth support and sacred sisterhood.

To receive my one-on-one sacred feminine and spiritual support, you may book a live Skype Goddess Coaching Session and inquire about my private program, “Heal and Transform Your Greatest Inner Blocks” if you feel called to embrace deep transformation.

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